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Coral Cay Guidelines
1. Check-In time 3:00pm or later / Check-out time before 9:00am (Manager will try to accommodate early arrival or extended stay)
2. Members and guests must:
Empty own trash in dumpster in back of 701 Orton.
Maintain clean kitchen and kitchenware.
Turn off A/C and TV when not in room.
3. General housekeeping is done by service personnel on changeover days of the month. Guests are responsible for this during the other days of their stay.  Washers and driers are available at the Corl Cay, if neeeded.
4. You are expected to leave the room in as good or better shape than when you arrived. Furniture in original location if you moved any. Refrigerators defrosted and stoves and ovens clean. Please report any needed repairs or damage to manager so they can be corrected.
5. No guest towels are to be taken out of room. Please do not hang anything on fence or railings.
6. Obey posted pool rules.
7. Quiet time between 10:00pm and 9:00am. No phone calls received between 9:00pm and 9:00am (unless emergency)
8. All guests must be registered - Only 3 per room.
9. Please pay manager on departure for breakage, missing items.
10. No pets are allowed at the Coral Cay.
11. No smoking is permitted in the rooms.  The Coral Cay is a smoke free facility.
12. Other rules of courtesy:
If you break it, admit it. If you borrow it, return it.
If you dirty it, clean it.
If you move it, put it back.
If you can't fix it, ask someone who can.
If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
If you make a mess, clean it up.